Saturday 26 November 2011

Thai red curry and mashed potato in a giant mug

The last time I had the flavour of curry and the texture of mash out of something this sort of shape was, I believe, around 2002. "Pot Mash" was still in the shops, and I liked it.

For this recipe, I carefully removed the tendrils from some potatoes that must have been reaching their first birthdays, left the skins on for the most part, and boiled them just long enough to get through 9 holes of Wii Golf. The viscosity of the mashed potato held up however, allowing me to pack the mug half and half right to the bottom with mash and sauce, two near-perfect semicircles extruded to the base of the receptacle.

The thai red curry itself was not a traditional version, containing bacon, mushrooms and assorted frozen vegetables. This sat well with the hearty mash, and as a result the feeling upon completion was very much more winter in Rochdale than summer in Phuket. Pleasing but very wide of the mark.

In addition, the dish was utterly unapproachable without a spoon. This is very much a fault of the idiosyncrasies within the recipe, not the culinary tradition from which this terrible remix of curry sprang.

A final note on the mug itself. Inscribed with "I [Heart] Coffee", it was chosen merely to cater for the volume of food. Thankfully this slogan was not off-putting and soon after consumption began, was forgotten.

Mug-food rating: 3 out of 10

1 comment:

  1. I think cups just use for drink tea or coffee. I never understand with your blog why you can use for food?
    Personalised mugs
